muscle restoration system©
Most of our clients participate in a 3 phase process beginning with table based Muscle Restoration, then graduating to exercise based Integrated Muscle Restoration and finally moving to exercise based Resistance Training for lifelong maintenance.
Think of our Isolated MRS services as addressing the most acute of your pain or limitation issues. These sessions are geared to restore as much normal motion as possible and/or to reduce as much of your pain as possible, to restore neuromuscular communication and to restore normal body movement, or what we call range of motion as possible.
MRS services take place on an adjustable massage/chiropractic table. Sessions consist of gentle muscle palpation, gentle resistance movements, isometrics, muscle potentiation exercise and similar techniques. It is important to understand that you do not have to experience pain or discomfort to heal. Our goal is that you do not experience discomfort during or after sessions at AMR. Of course, if you have existing pain and inflammation, you may feel some mild to severe discomfort during sessions, but our process is typically not painful or uncomfortable. If you are experiencing pain and discomfort, Brandon will make every effort to minimize this.
Brandon says, “My goal is not to provide temporary relief to an area of the body repeatedly over time. This is a ‘groundhog day’ scenario that I do not engage in. Instead, my goal is to return your body to how it was meant to function, with benefits being cumulative over multiple sessions. It is difficult to predict how many sessions a client will need over time, but most clients see meaningful increase in movement and reduction in pain in an average of 10 sessions. Typically, I recommend that clients get started by coming in for 60 minute sessions once a week for 10 weeks. We also have clients who opt to come in more frequently initially to achieve faster results. You may schedule sessions as often as one per day if tolerated, and my schedule permitting. After the initial 10 weeks of sessions, we will discuss next steps. Some clients do not need more than 10 sessions. Other clients may need to come in weekly for several months to a year if they have very chronic or severe issues, such as autoimmunity or traumatic injury. Other clients will need to come in less frequently and for less length of time. Everyone is different. How frequently you how come in and for how will be determined during our on-going discussions, based on your progress and goals. We also keep your budget and availability in mind, so you may want to space your appointments out further apart than recommended. This typically will not negatively impact the results you will achieve, it will only impact how soon you achieve results.”
It is hard to predict how many sessions we will recommend for you prior to your evaluation. We have clients at one end of the spectrum who achieve their desired results in 1-3 sessions and come in about once a year after that. At the other end of the spectrum, we have clients who have very chronic, disabling and/or complicated conditions who need to come in weekly for at least a year. An average client typically comes in weekly for approximately 1-3 months and then begins spacing sessions out further and further. We strive to be transparent about the time and monetary investment that may be necessary to resolve your issues. In our experience, clients that are willing and able to follow our recommendations achieve the best outcomes.
exercise based Muscle Restoration System© Sessions: Stephen & Mel
Our Exercise Based Muscle Restoration System (M.R.S.) takes place with Stephen Dansevich who uses a combination of Muscle System Specialist (CMSS) work,Muscle Activation Techniques (MAT), Isometric Strengthening Exercise (ISE), Eccentric Loading Exercise (ELE) and Muscle Potentiation Exercise (MPE) as well as our own proprietary techniques to further restore neuromuscular communication, reduce pain, restore normal body movement, and build muscle and joint resilience.
Most of our client’s transition from Isolated to Integrated work during their healing journey with us. Some clients move to Integrated work after only a few Isolated sessions and other clients need more Isolated sessions before transitioning. Some clients are actually able to begin their work with us at the Integrated stage.
We define exercise as systematically challenging your muscle system in a way that evokes a positive response. It should make you feel good. It shouldn’t hurt. This requires mindfulness: a focus on the forces acting on and within your body and the sensations they generate. The challenge should be “dosed” with attention paid to effort, control, intensity, pace, and how your muscles/joints feel. Feedback from the client is critical. This can help identify perceived weaknesses and imbalances or range limitations that need to be addressed. We ask that you be mindful of body sensations during sessions, especially exercise. Please communicate any imbalance, weakness, range limit or anything else you notice during your session with your muscle specialist. Read our exercise philosophy below.
Our exercise Philosophy
“At AMR we define exercise as systematically challenging your muscle system in a way that evokes a positive response. It should make you feel good. It shouldn’t hurt. This requires mindfulness; a focus on the forces acting on & within your body & the sensations they generate. The challenge should be ‘dosed’ with attention paid to effort, control, intensity, pace, & how your muscles & joints feel. Feedback from the client is critical. This can help identify perceived weaknesses & imbalances that need to be addressed. That’s why we have a custom piece of art that says ‘This set is sacred.’”

Our Unique Muscle Restoration System© (MRS) is not based on one paradigm or certification. Our MRS is unique to us because it is built upon our practitioners' 40 years of combined experience using a combination of sciences that our practitioners have been certified in over the past 20 years. Our practitioners are joint and muscle experts who are mastery certified in multiple disciplines and customize these sciences to create a personalized plan for each client - with proven success.
Because our MRS is built upon multiple paradigms and customized to fit the needs of each client, you won't find any other practice out there doing exactly what we do. So how are we able to help people when they have had multiple interventions without success? Well because we are so unique, we feel we need to take a moment to explain as plainly as possible what we do and why we are successful:
We are not following pre-determined protocols. We know from years of experience that multiple people with the same physical complaint will each have different root cause(s) of that issue. For example, plantar fasciitis or frozen shoulder do not have a common root cause. The issue can originate from any part of the body including the neck, back, or ankle, as examples.
We do not directly treat pain. People don't usually like this one, but let us explain: The site of physical discomfort is often not the root cause of that discomfort. If you have been to multiple practitioners who are directly addressing your pain or movement limitation with stretching, manipulation, release techniques, massage, etc... and you are not experiencing relief, or you have to get the same area worked on repeatedly, it may be because that area is not the issue - that is just the area that is symptomatic. Why would that be? It's simple: Your body is made up of at least 650 muscles and each of those muscles have specific jobs. We can't test every muscle, but we can assess many of them including respiratory screenings, ocular/eye screenings, tongue/jaw screenings and pelvic floor screenings (not invasive). Let's say that one day, one of those muscles decides to take the day off. What is your body going to do? Most likely one of two things: limit your movement because that muscle isn't participating, or ask one or more different muscles to step in and "compensate" - in other words - do the job of the muscle that isn't participating. So what happens over time if that muscle "stays off work" and other muscles are having to compensate? That's right, those muscles are doing their work plus the work of the absentee muscle and can start to fatigue, weaken and eventually ache or ask your brain to send pain signals in an effort to take a break. So if you are seeking multiple treatments to address the muscle that is limited or painful, it's possible that the muscle being addressed isn't the problem - or "root cause." So what we do Assess & Address the actual root cause instead of "chasing symptoms."
We Assess & Address the total muscular system. As we established above, the site of physical discomfort is often not the root cause of the discomfort. So what do we do about that? We find the root cause. At your evaluation, we perform an assessment of your entire muscular system. We never assume that your site of limitation or discomfort is the root cause. As we stated above, our experiences tell us that multiple clients can have the same complaint but the root cause won't be the same - not even close! Your initial assessment will reveal to us exactly what muscles are not "showing up for work." That's the Assess part. We will then develop a plan to Address the root cause of your issues. This is why we must have a completed Health History Questionnaire before your assessment, and why we need to do an assessment on your first visit, instead of just jumping in and working on you "blindly" based on your site of discomfort. In our experience, root cause of discomfort or movement limitation can be pretty far "upstream" from an obvious cause.
History is Critical. So why do some muscles "stop showing up for work?" There are many reasons including physical trauma, illness or autoimmune conditions, concussion, preganancy, surgery, stress, botox, structural issues, overuse, and age as examples. So you will see that we gather a very thorough and extensive history of everything listed above. Any surgery, accident, stressor, illness, bone break, concussion, structural issue or stress you have ever experienced can be the root cause of your issue - no matter how long ago an incident occurred. That ankle sprain you had at 18? Yes, that may be the root cause of your neck pain 20 years later. That concussion you had as an 8 year old? Yes, that can be the root cause of your left side being weak or of your vertigo or headaches. The laparoscopic abdominal surgery you had 10 years ago? Yes, that can be the root cause of your pelvic floor weakness resulting in your back pain. The medical botox you have in your neck? Yes, that can be causing your issue because you have paralyzed at least one muscle which can't "show up for work" and needs other muscles to step in and help. Does it matter that you have Lyme Disease? Yes, of course, any systemic infection or illness can impact the functioning of your muscular system. Why? Because one way your body copes with a massive stressor is to down-regulate your muscles! So, what does this mean? It means that in our experience, most chronic movement or pain issues have root cause in a past or current event. We are going to put ALL of those puzzle pieces together in order to see the big picture and solve your puzzle.
Pain is in the Brain. Pain is simply your brain's way of warning your body that something is wrong and protecting you from further injury. Pain may or may not be related to an actual site of injury. For example, phantom limb pain proves that pain is not purely a reflection of a physical site of injury. We do not address medical issues, nerve issues, or structural issues. And yet, clients often report less pain and more movement after receiving Muscle Restoration Services because the brain senses increased stability and strength. For example, you can have a structural issue or a nerve issue or a medical issue that we can't address. However, any of those issues can result in some of your muscles "not showing up for work." By Assessing & Addressing the health of your muscular system, you can experience more movement and less discomfort because those muscles are no longer sending panic signals to be brain, resulting in the reduction of the perception of pain.
We are not medical providers. As stated above, we do not address medical issues. But we don't have to address medical issues to help you. For example, we don't "treat" plantar fasciitis. What we do is Assess & Address the total health of your muscle system. For example, let's say you had a whiplash incident many years ago. Some muscles stopped working properly and others started to compensate. Over time, those compensation patterns became re-wired in your brain as "normal" and through the years, the overworking muscles have become exhausted. Now your feet have been overworking to stabilize your neck movements for years and are signaling extreme distress and no traditional modalities are working to help you. That's where we come in. We will Assess & Address the root cause. This is why it is critical to know that we will not typically be working on your site of discomfort. So if you have foot discomfort, we may address your feet and we may not touch your feet, depending on where the root cause is discovered. We know this can puzzle, and even frustrate, clients at first. But trust us that our methods have worked for countless clients. Our goal is to be a client's last stop and it often is because we follow a systematic step-by-step investigation and problem solving approach that is effective - regardless of the diagnosis or medical issue that you come to us with. So will we be treating your medical issue? No. For example, we will not be "treating" your plantar fasciitis. Can our MRS services help you regardless of your medical condition or diagnosis? Yes! For example, your foot discomfort can resolve because we Assessed & Address the root cause.
We specialize in complicated cases. What does this mean? Well, we have been talking about what happens when a muscle stops showing up. But what happens when lots of muscle shop showing up? You get complete muscular system chaos, that's what! What this means is that you have many muscles that are checked out and many muscles that are overworking. We see this with autoimmune conditions, concussions, major surgeries, traumatic injuries, structural issues, long term overuse, multiple injuries/surgeries over a long time, or advanced age, as examples. This is where our expertise lies. We will Assess & Address all of your compensation issues and present you with a plan for total muscle restoration. We do not claim to be magicians. We have no magic wands to fix you and we have no crystal ball to predict exactly when and how much you will improve. But we can tell you that we will be honest about our prediction for your progress and we will never give up on you. Our clients that trust our process and are willing to be our collaborative partner are the most likely to get the results they desire. We will never stop looking for novel solutions to your complex issues. We simply ask that you communicate with us and have patience with the process.
Special Protocols: We offer Specialty Protocols including Concussion/TBI Protocols, Pre/During/Post Pregnancy Protocols, Neuromuscular Stroke Restoration, Jaw and Eye Movement Restoration, Non-Invasive Core and Pelvic Floor Restoration, Back Pain Programs, and Strength Training Programs for those with Autoimmune/Injury/Illness or for Youth and Adult Athletes from our world-class expert on Exercise Mechanics.
How do you get started? As an Austin Muscle Restoration client, you will first be scheduled for an initial evaluation so we can thoroughly assess the current state of your muscular system. This also gives us an opportunity to get to know you, gather information about your history, and understand what unique needs and goals you may have. Once we have agreed that the services we will provide at Austin Muscle Restoration meet your needs, we will use the information collected during the initial evaluation to create a customized muscle restoration plan structured around your personal needs and goals. Each client plan is highly individualized and completely customized to your needs and goals.
Do you still have more questions? Be sure to visit our FAQ page!